
Showing posts from May, 2020

How to select the right first deodorant for your growing son?

You may want to keep your child as a doting toddler forever, but the truth is that your son will grow up and experience changes in his body. His voice may get altered, he may sprout facial hair, or may need a deodorant.  There is a constant question about what is the right age when young children should start using deodorant. Well, the straight answer is that there is no specific age to start using deodorant. Your son may come to know that the time is just right to start using it. It is not uncommon to see children applying fragrances at ages as less as 9 to 10 years old.   Maybe to be like their father or friends? However, when the time is right, you need to step up to your role as a responsible parent. You can help suggest the best products. Your son’s skin may be sensitive to first-time application of a fragrance. Hence, it is best to keep him away from harsh chemical-based deodorants that can irritate the skin and leave your child uncomfortable. Instead, ...

Barrier Products That Offer 100% Moisturization with Supple Skin

The onset of the pandemic on the global level has set alarm bells ringing across different countries. Taking care of the vulnerable areas of our body during such a crisis is essential. The virus spreads when someone in the vicinity coughs or sneezes, and the resulting droplets get lodged on the skin surface or enter the airways. At Pure Deo Co, we have a range of products that seek to double up as an active barrier to contaminants that can play havoc with your health. These barrier products comprise of moisturizers and lip balms. These offer round the clock hydration to the skin. People are rigorously following the stipulation of covering the face with masks and using sanitizers and handwash every single time they touch a surface other people might have touched and left the infection, but these good practices lead to the problem of the skin losing vital moisture. Behind the mask, the lips do not receive adequate moisture. This lack of moisture leaves the lips chapped...